Welcome to my rarely-updated website, which was developed just for the sheer hell of it. All content is just banter and purely for fun.
Simple approach for ensuring safe data access across multiple threads, by wrapping single items of data in a class to implicitly handle code locking. What do you think? Perhaps useful, total rubbish or: Nice but not scalable for large applications?
A purely experimental, and not terribly successful, attempt at using Ableton Live's Tension instrument (and other stock devices) to fashion a rude funk guitar instument.
Javascript is okay to work with I guess, but you've got that tedious situation of having to minify and obfuscate. I used to use the Google Closure Compiler but tended to find it a bit painful tracking down output errors using the Advanced level of compression. So I thought: Why don't I just write my own minifier? And I did, and it works. It's fine for my pathetic little projects.

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